Welcome to Galilee Basptist Church of Louisa website. Here you will find information concerning our church and its ministries. Feel free to browse through the various areas of our website and learn about our fellowship.
Are you considering a place of to worship? We would love to have you be our guest.
MISSION - To build up the people in the Kingdom of God
Thank you for visiting our website!
Watch Sunday Service Live on YouTube!!!
For the month of August, Service will be at 8:00am ONLY; Sunday School will be at 9:00am.
Sunday Services can be watched live on YouTube. Click here to watch!
URL: https://www.youtube.com/@galileebaptistchurchlouisa5752/featured
Bible Study - "Seeing is NOT Believing"
There will be a 5-week intensive instruction on the Book of Job (instruction from the KJV) titled, "Seeing is NOT Believing". Instruction be each Tuesday in July 2024, 6:30-7:30pm, meeting in the Fellowship Hall at Galilee Baptist Church, Louisa. Come ready! Come eager! Come all!
Virtual Bible Study -- "Church Order"; Thursdays 6:30-7:30pm
Galilee Baptist Church - 2023 Jan-April Thursdays at 6:30p - Pastor is teaching a virtual bible study on 'Church Order'.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81840716284?pwd=bHo0cFVnN1Y4NHE0R0lta0EzbGdsUT09Dial In: 1-309-205-3325 Meeting ID 818 4071 6284 Passcode 202301
Teen Bible Study - Starting Oct 12th, 6:30pm
Teen Bible Study is back for middle and high school youth! It will be every other Wednesday, starting next week -- 10/12 at 6:30. For the first quarter, we will be studying “Faith” from Hebrews 11. Elder Sarah Slaughter will be facilitating the class. Feel free to bring a friend, and let’s learn and grow together!
Battleground Prayer Service
Galilee Baptist Church - Battleground Prayer Service
will be held every 3rd Friday of the month
at 11:00 a.m. Join us anytime!
Kents Store, Virginia
A coating to an inch of snow Sunday, mixed with rain
43° 25°
Partly cloudy
Feels Like: 31°Humidity: 79%
Wind: 2 MPH